25 Mile Long list of Road Trip Horror Films!

 What's good Everyone!

The weather has warmed and Summer is here! With the season of travel among us, vacations are in order & since I love my lists, what better time to provide another one filled with my favorite films that involve a road trip! There are a ton out there and this list consists of my personal favorites.  So if you don't see one of your favs on here, please don't take it personal. Anyway, It's a long ride, so strap in as we begin. 

1. Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)

A group of kids take a road trip across the hot countryside of Texas because of a family incident. Things go even further south when they run into the Sawyer family and things get brutal. This classic horror that arguably started the modern day slasher, is a must watch to kick off a warm weather road trip list. 

2. Friday the 13th Franchise (80' - 89')

Following TCM74, I had to put this classic set of slasher films that ruled over the 80s next because this collective is a must watch as well. Every movie surrounds a group of kids traveling to Crystal lake only to become a notch on Jason's Kill belt. 

3. Children of the Corn (1984)

A young couple accidently hits a kid with their car while taking a road trip. Wanting to report the accident, they travel to the nearest city, Gatlin, that turns out to be a town full of kids without adults. Sounds fishy right? It is and makes for a great 80s drenched film to continue the theme. Also, watch out for He who walks behind the rows. 

4.  Jeepers Creepers (2001)

Every 23rd spring, "IT," comes out of slumber and eats for 23 Days. Unfortunately for two noisy siblings traveling home during spring break, It's sight are set on them. This movie is both fun and scary for me personally because the setting reminds me of a back wood road I use to take to my grandma's house. That small town aspect makes for such a claustrophobic and terrifyingly good time on this list. 

5. Jeepers Creepers 2 (2003)

The sequel with the same premise but this time, the creepers sight is set on a basketball team returning from a game. More characters means more kills and more funny ass unrealistic dialogue. This movie is a lot more self aware so the goofiness is amplified separating itself from it's predecessor. 

6. Evil Dead (1981)

Some kids go to a cabin in the woods for a weekend of fun only to unleash an unspeakable evil that puts their lives in danger. I still find this movie to be hella creepy. The practical effects and cosmetics make the demonic presence feel real. This is Sam Raimi's claim to fame and if you haven't seen it, you should change that asap.

7. Fear Island (2010)

A group of kids on the mainland, take a weekend trip to an island for boozy fun until people start to get  taken out one by one. Now stranded, they have to do their best to figure out who it is and contain them until help arrives. This is more of a B Movie but still enjoyable for it's twist and turns as each individuals past is revealed. 

8. Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003)

The remake of the original from 78' that I think rivals it. Yes I said it. This film adds a lot more realistic reason as to why the events happen. A group of kids are traveling to a Lynyrd Skynyrd concert, when they pick up a desholved woman in an attempt to help. From this point on, the domino blocks start falling leading them to a day of chaos. 

9. Wrong Turn (2003)

A speeding  medical student crashes into the car of a group of rock climbers in West Virginia. Being stranded, they decide to try and walk to the nearest cabin post for help but on the way there, they're picked off by deformed cannibal inbreds. This movie is the reason the deep woods always makes me paranoid lol. This is a fun watch with plenty of interesting kills to keep you entertained. 

10. Children of the Corn 2 (1992)

After the events of the first film, the kids still Gatlin are brought to a nearby city for a better life. A news reporting father and his estranged son, visit this town to run a story. When they dig deeper into what happened in Gatlin, they soon realize the same plan is being revitalized. I'm pretty sure most folks haven't seen this one but give this one a watch. It's a ton of fun. One scene in particular, involving a remote control wheelchair will have you hollering. 

11. House of Wax (2005)

A group of college kids traveling to a football, get sidelined when of their vehicles has their fan belt cut over night. They walk to nearby town for help later realizing, there's nothing but wax models of people (or are they) and a sadistic person behind it. This is early 00s slasher gold and also Paris Hilton's film debut. The kills are over the top and everything is unapologetically cheesy. It's a personal favorite of mine.

12. Southbound (2015)

An anthology horror movie set somewhere in the desert that follows multiple people as they travel for different reasons. Vague I know but the less you know, the better because this is a crazy one. The cool thing about this movie is that the short stories are all woven together in seamless way that is either a pass of the baton, or you don't realize the intertwining's until later in other sequences. The stories range from supernatural fears to real life horrors that will make stomach turn.

13. Shark Night (2011)

A group of kids go to a private island in Louisiana to party the week away, when they encounter shark infested waters. This film released in 2011 so it has the soundtrack that we loved back then. Another self-aware film that has some good laughs for and provides a good time with or without drinks but I recommend drinking while watching. 

14. Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2006)

The Prequel to the 03 remake that's just as great. Two couples take a road trip vacation before one of the guys is shipped back off to the army. Along the way, the get into a car accident and guess who shows up to report the incident... Good ole Officer Hoyt. Like the 03 remake, one the best thing about this movie is the reason

15. Husk (2010)

A group of young adults crash their car on the way to a lake for the weekend. The road they're stranded on just so happens to be next to a cornfield, & where's there's a cornfield, there has to be some sort of house to farm the crops.... right? With that in mind, they're search for help leads them down a deadly path. This one has some creepy stuff in it and some jump cuts to make you dizzy, but still a good time and worth a watch.

16. Cabin in the Woods (2011)

Some college kids visit a Cabin in the Woods (queue the symbols) and cliché horror tropes begin happening... but there's a lot more to why than you'd ever expect. This is one of the most creative horror flicks I've seen and if you've never watched this one, you're in for a real surprise of a treat. 

17. Children of the Corn 5 (1998)

Some College kids on a road trip get lost and stop in a town for directions. When they start getting strange vibes from everyone, they make the decision to get out of dodge but it's too late. They're car is destroyed and now they're stuck. If you've enjoyed the other installments I've suggested on this list, you'll like this one too. Super cheesy, but throw in some late 90s energy and it's a fun one!

18. Cabin Fever (2002)

This film is extremely bloody and disturbing but....  It is FUNNY AF. I mean, look at this GIF. I remember watching this movie for the first time in this scene had me like, "WHAT???" This movies is a about some kids visiting a cabin who  get exposed to a flesh eating disease... Yeah, not good. If you're squeamish, I wouldn't watch this because there are quite a few scenes to get under your skin, pun intended. 

19. Evil Dead (2013)

The remake of Sam Raimi's classic that is equally as good; Some even put it over it! This one is a perfect update on the original and because of the advancement of technology, this amplifies the intensity for the group of travelers. Easily one of the best horror remakes to date.

20. Scarecrows (2017)

Some horny (you'll see why that's pointed out) kids travel to a secret lagoon for a day on the water, only to cross path's with an unspeakable evil. This is another movie that fits into the, "so bad it's good," territory and is a lot more fun after drinking a few. Nothing to take too serious but a good watch on a tipsy night nonetheless.

21.  The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3D (2013)

A girl receives a letter stating she's inherited property from a distant relative. Being convinced it could be a fun trip by her friends, they tag a long for fun only to find Leatherface waiting for them. This movie gets a lot of slack (understandably) but it's pretty fun! Hilarious kills, unreal situations, over the top dialogue & one of my favorite lines ever, "Do your thing cuz". 

22. X (2022)

It's 1979 and an amateur filmmaking group ventures somewhere in Texas to shoot an artsy adult film. The property they go to is owned by an older couple who doesn't know what they're shooting but once they find out, s*** hits the fan in a way I've never seen. This is a modern day masterpiece that I adore. It leans on horror tropes while keeping it fresh and also capturing that vintage aesthetic purposely. A MUST watch.

23. Children of the Corn 6 (1999)

A girl named Hannah, decides to travel back to her hometown of Gatlin to find her mother, who was once part of the cult of kids from the first film. When she arrives, Isaac (the original leader) also makes his return to the town and the evil starts to brew again. Again, if you liked that last film for all its late 90s cheesiness, you WILL like this one. 

24. Friday the 13th (2009)

I think this is one of the best remakes to a horror classic (imo). It keeps the cheesy carefree attitude but kicks the danger and brutality up immensely. This version of the film is about some college kids visiting a family lake house of one of the guys in the group (who's a huge douche) & it so happens to share land with Crystal Lake. Booze, boobs, and blood make this a perfect film for this list. 

25. Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2022)

Some social media influencers choose to gentrify a Texas ghost town, not realizing that Leatherface resides here. After a mistake that really could've been avoided, Leatherface goes into chainsaw swinging action. This film caused a lot stir within the horror community (which I found weird) but i like it a lot. It's a pretty straight forward slasher that has enough gruesome & interesting kills to satisfy. 
