Mortal Kombat Trailer Thoughts (YouTube) + Favorite Shots

This is Mortal Kombat! Check my thoughts in this video.

Let's get into these shots. 

This sequence is dope and I feel like its homage to that scene in the 1995 film when Subzero freezes Sonya's gun.

Really love this shot of Melena. A wide scope can make even something as simple as a character walking look epic.

Scorpion's teleportation looks cool AF! Alot of ppl forget that his abilities include being able to wield fire. 

I'm actually pretty impressed with cinematography. I didn't really expect the type of framing/blocking this trailer gave.
This one particularly is pretty amazing. This looks to be a real shot, no vfx. Reminds me of a shot from a film you'd see in the 90s.
Lord Raiden with an iconic shot. Somebody frame this for me please!!
Dig this Easter egg with this Shao Khan statue. 
Really interested to see how this scene plays out. Are they in Subzero's lair or did he freeze the entire spot?
This is literally 🔥🔥🔥 Lu Kang making a fire dragon. I wonder if this is leads to a fatality or not. Either way, I'm excited!
So how's everyone feeling about the Mortal kombat trailer? Leave a comment and let me know! Thanks for reading!
