Final Trailer for Zack Snyder's Justice League

Zack Snyder's Justice League releases THIS THURSDAY & the final trailer dropped earlier. Instead of doing a video reaction, I figured I'd blog about it! 

This trailer hit me in the FEELS. Like, real tears dawg. That score I think is what did it. The scale of this film, the mythological feel, the cinematography, oh GOD. Let me go through some of my favorite shots to get my thoughts out.

We've seen this shot before but I just love it. When you take in everything that's going on here, its mindblowing. The ships, the lava like material coming from the boxes, the other new gods behind Uxas, the sun peaking. great!
DARKSIED, GRANNY GOODNESS, & DESAAD. Again, we've seen this shot but WOW. The fact that this shot even exists in live action is forever gonna be one of the best moments!
I just really love how this shot is framed. It subtly conveys the idea of mourning. Can't wait to see Lois and how she's dealing with the loss of Clark.
Another shot we've seen but man does it rival that gargoyle shot. Batman is my favorite character so any badass shot of him, I'm gonna love!
The mood is TOTALLY different with this taking place at dawn. Fits the scene better imho and the background blends WAY better.
Steppenwolf looks INCREDIBLE. Every shot, he looks intimidating, terrifying, a powerhouse! He wouldn't have to say a word and his presence alone would be felt. The parademons bowing makes this scene feel even more diabolical. 
A LANTERN IN FULL ACTION. I believe this is Abin Sur. I heard the history lesson is 15 - 20 minutes so this thing is gonna be of EPIC proportion. 
Darkseid himself. What a shot man. Nothing else can be said but... THIS is PERFECT. 
If I had to guess, this is most definitely the knightmare scene when the world is overthrown by Darkseid and crew. I just love the scale of this image. Its reminiscent of Krypton exploding in Man of Steel. 

LOVE THIS SHOT.  Uxas is 100% with the s***.
This is such an insane and unique form of communication. Not to mention it's scary af.
OMEGA BEAMS????!!!!! OMEGA BEAMS!!!! Looks like he's underwater in Atlantis killing everyone. This HAS to be the knightmare! 
Superman.. This shot is just beautiful. That's all I can say.
Zack's eye for beautiful frames is next level. Can you guess who that is flying... I know who!
I saw a spoiler for this scene and.... MAN. It shook me. The imagery was surreal.
Another shot from the history lesson. Looks like she has dreads and I love that.
CLASSIC SUPERMAN shot. Get this maman another Superman movie!
No idea what's happening here but man does it look cool af! 
For those who don't know what this is about, I won't spoil it! Love how eerie this shot is. 
So, ZSJL releases on the 18th and I took off for work to watch this! Probably gonna watch It twice the same day. I've been looking forward to this film since BvS ended and we're FINALLY getting it. 

Thanks for reading!
