Favorite Modern Day Zombie/Infection Films

With Army of the Dead arriving on the 21st, I figured I'd give you a list of my favorite Zombie/Infection Horror films. Some you'll know but I hope there are some you won't! So stretch, drink some water, & lets run through these.

1. Dawn of the Dead (2004)

A zombie apocalypse has started and all you can do is hide in a mall for safety. Simple but effective. I'm just going to get my favorite Zombie film out of the way. This is the movie that made me fall in love with Zack Snyder as a director. It's scary, action packed, hilarious, beautifully shot, great script etc. Literally the perfect zombie horror film. When this movie dropped, it changed my entire outlook on the genre. Running zombies? HELL NO. Doesn't matter how many times I've seen it, it is frightening and exhausting. "When there's no more room in hell, the dead will walk the earth." That sentence still haunts me. 

2. 28 Days Later (2002)

Imagine waking up to an empty city only to discover that the world you once lived in, is no more & it's over ran by killing machines that you cannot reason with. Probably the scariest movie on this list. No jokes, no humor to lighten the mood. It's just terrifying intensity from start to finish. The opening sequences is one of the most haunting things I've ever seen.  I love how gritty it looks. It has a certain rawness to its appearance that breathes danger. Oh yeah and the running... the running... That's a common fear you'll see on this list. 

3. 28 Weeks Later (2007)

Not as raw and gritty as the first but I do think it's equally as exhausting & terrifying. I think the idea of surviving a zombie apocalypse, trying to rebuild only to fall again is unsettling. Throwing in a kids perspective adds an innocence to the story that makes the audience really fear for the characters fate. Also, gotta give kudos to the main theme and score. That build to insanity intensifies EVERYTHING.

4. Resident Evil Franchise (2002 - 2016)

Probably the most well known on this list. These movies aren't masterpieces I know, but I think they're ALOT of fun. Apocalypse is personally my favorite of the bunch (Mike Epps is always funny) but there's no wrong answer. I've played the game like once so I'm unaware of the accuracy to source material but these are a good introduction/safe choice for the non zombie fans. 

5. The Crazies (2010)

A little town in middle America goes under siege from a gov't experiment gone wrong. Instead of being a flat out mindless zombie, this infection just makes people.... CRAZY *queue the cymbals*. In all seriousness though just imagine functional thinking rage filled people who just want to destroy everything and everyone on the loose.... Not GOOD. One of my favorites of all time. An underrated gem in the horror genre and an interesting take on infection. 

6. Pontypool (2008)

A radio host in Canada sees some weird s*** on his way to work and of course talks about it on air only to realize that it's just the beginning of a night terror. Another underrated/unknown infection film. This one handles catching of the virus & its effect on the host in such a unique way. It's a slow build of eeriness that transforms in to silent terror. I'm being vague I know but if you've never seen it, you'll thank me after you've watched. 

7. REC 1 (2007) & 2 (2009)

A mysterious infection takes hold an apartment building and while a news crew, law enforcement & fire fighters are inside to investigate and help, it's shut down and everyone is trapped inside due to government issued quarantine. In other words, ravenous infected people, found footage style. These films are intensely scary and makes for a great double feature. This is yet another series that presents a new lore behind the infection and when it unravels at the end of REC 1, you'll want to see how it plays out in the sequels. FYI, this is a Spanish film.

8. Quarantine (2008)

This is the American remake of REC 1. I think it's a pretty good watch, but lacks the new lore of infection REC presented. Just as scary and exhausting. 

9. Train to Busan (2016)

A divorced Dad is so trash at parenting, his daughter wants to spend her birthday with mom instead.  Being the trash he is, he agrees and decides to take her back home via train and they're met with a zombie takeover. The premise of this film has been done time and time again and is nothing new but what makes it special is the writing and directors execution. The character design is what makes the story so enjoyable because you care about everyone. The zombies are so frantic and relentless they'll kill themselves to feed & its NON STOP the moment you see them. 

10. Deadset (2008)

A reality show like "The Real World," takes place for a live premier in London when an infection spreads turning everyone around into zombies. Now, the cast of this reality series must survive. If that premise doesn't sound like great zombie fun, idk what does. This is a miniseries but it's worth the binge so in that respect, it feels like a film. 

11. Zombieland (2009)

Wanna learn the rules of a zombie apocalypse? This is the movie for you. I'm not really a fan of comedic zombie films, as you can see the lack of on this list, but I love this one. This film is beyond self-aware but I enjoy how it goes about that with the presentation of rules to survive. I also think Jessie and Emma are hilarious so that makes this an even better watch.

12. Black Summer

A regular day in a neighborhood is interrupted by military tanks rolling in. No one knows why until the outbreak happens causing paths of different types of people to cross. This is a miniseries, but the episodes flow in a way that makes it feel like a film. It's sectioned into chapters and each title card keeps you guessing of what's to come. The pace is nonstop and will keep your heart racing.

13. The Dead Don't Die (2019)

A country town is overrun by zombies and the police/citizens are left to figure out what happened. I'll be honest with you, this sounds simple but it's not. This joint is NUTS & I don't even know what the f*** is going on when the credits roll but it's a ride that I liked being on. This film is a sarcastically self-aware comedy but does not stray away from the horror elements. If you're down to watch a lowkey trippy zombie flick, give this one a look.


14. World War Z (2013)

An infection breaks out causing people to change into animalistic senseless flesh eating killers and it's up to the world's governments to figure out why & how to stop it. What I love about Z is it seems to be one of the most realistic films of how the world leaders and gov't would react to a virus of this magnitude. We usually only see glimpses of surface level reactions but this goes deeper. 

15. Jeruzulum (2015)

Some American's take a trip to Jerusalem for a vacation. One of them notices weird things happening and upon research, he realizes that all hell is going to break loose and before they can leave the country, it's too late & we see it happen found footage style. Jeruzulum puts an interesting spin on zombies in a similar light as REC where it's more than just an infection. This film is a nice build up to chaos and when hits, it is INTENSE. Some of the imagery is jaw dropping.

16. Stakeland 1 (2010) & Stakelander (2016)

In a post apocalyptic world where a virus changes people into zombie like vampires, a group of travelers make their way to Canada because the outbreak hasn't decimated the land like it has America. Of course, the sequel follows and it presents even more aspects about the infected. Both Stakeland films are frightening and emotionally driven dramas the dig deep into humanity. The spin of the infected ones being vampire makes for some different choices on the horror side of things. A great double feature.

17. Diary of the Dead (2007)

Some film students out at night trying to shoot a horror film, end up realizing the world has become the movie they're trying to make. This is a found footage movie that's a slow burn into insanity as the students make their way up north trying to survive. A few characters are annoying and there are some on the nose lines, but it's a fun one to watch because you feel like you're right there with the group.

18. Army of the Dead (2021)

Now I know what you're thinking. "This movie just released so how can it be a favorite already." Well, to me it's just THAT good. It's like nothing I've seen before from the genre from story beats to the way its's shot. If you want to know my thoughts in depth, check out my review below. I loved this movie.

So there you have it. A list of my favorite Zombie/Infection movies! Hope you found some you've never seen before because I think all of these are pretty great. Thanks for reading and see you next time!

* I do not own any images on this post.*
