The Lords of Salem (2012) - Today's Horror Pick + Cinematography Breakdown

 What's going on fam! Just watched this one recently and it lowkey blew me away. 

Let me start by saying this is a Rob Zombie flick and I know that's going to automatically turn some people off but hear me out. If you don't want to watch the film just listen to what i have to say about it and admire these GORGEOUS stills. 

The film takes place in Salem. The opening sequence (flashback) throws you right into the infamous witchcraft lore that Salem is known for. It's a hell of a way to start the movie and sets the tone off rip.

How creepy is this s***?

This hazy orange flame like lighting is used quite a bit through flashbacks. The placement of the lighting creates some pretty eerie silhouettes that present figures that are both recognizable and unrecognizable in a nightmare kind of way. These images take the mind places I do not wanna think about. 

Once the flashback is competed, we're thrown into present day or present enough day that cellphones are used (It never made it clear what year It is, unless I missed it).  

Heidi (Sheri Moon's character) works at a radio station and receives an anonymous package that turns things sadistic over the course of the film as she begins to lose herself. 

The color grading for the "real world" is highly muted/desaturated and I love that. There are all types of "artsy" reasonings behind this choice but I just adore how dramatic it makes each frame look paired with black level adjustment; Especially when you have a layered and lush set design. The details pop.

On the other end of the spectrum, when the wild stuff kicks off the colors are rich, vibrant & warm. I think this particular choice matches where Heidi is headed when these sequences take place. These images below are pretty haunting but depict a "safe space." 

*Disclaimer* This movie is more unsettling and creepy than it is scary. There are some jump scares but it more so feels strange and uncomfortable with the imagery thrown at you. This film embodies the title, "Dark Twisted Fantasy."

Like bro, what is this? I still don't know but its creep af.

With Rob Zombie being a musician, it's no surprise this film (and his others) look so visually stunning & I understand that being an artist myself. It stems from making music videos, which in itself is a short film. We try to make the most out of what little time we do have and the easiest way is packing as much depth into a single frame as possible. These images speak a MILLION words. 

Love that lush back drop. Such achef's kiss. To have her clothing/appearance be total opposite so both standout.

MONEY SHOT OMG. It looks even better in motion.

If you like what you see and read, check this movie out! Let me know what you think in the comments and thanks for reading!

*I do not own any of the photos used in this post*
