Zack Snyder's Justice League Opening - Breakdown/Favorite Shots/Thoughts

 What's good everyone! I've been wanting to do this for SO LONG and finally I can since some fantastic person posted screenshots for the entire movie. This 4 hour Epic is ALOT to unpack so I'm going to make break down posts per part, starting with just the opening (Part 1 will be the next post).

For starters let me reiterate, I LOVE THIS MOVIE. It's my favorite comic book movie ever made and it's going to be extremely hard to beat (If ever). Alright enough about that, lets get into it. A few seconds in and you already know you're in for a treat. Something about having the lightening strike behind the DC logo makes it look so mythological. 

Followed by this slow motion death of Superman. This looks like a painting man. 

I love how we see everyone's facial expression as the camera pans in for a close up. It makes you relive the weight of superman dying. Also, Batman looks glassy eyed... That really got me. He feels responsible for the death of the greatest man to exist, who also restored his faith in mankind & himself. The moment Clark dies, Bruce is reborn.

Keep in mind, right now the movie is technically still Batman v Superman so I love that the first person we see in Justice League is Victor, the heart of the story. 

This liquified metal looks so cool to me. Literally looks to be the same material from Man of Steel. So much detail in this one shot.

A literal shot that looks like it came from a comic book page. I love how the blue of the sea looks with Zack's preferred color grading. It looks and feels mysterious & Mera's armor here gives me ancient warrior vibes. The sight of it tells a story of the many battles she (or the armor if passed down) has gone through.

I have a feeling this is in reference to something but I'm not sure what. Great entrance to Thymescira!

WAR READY! The image of a black woman with a sword and shield in hand is FIRE to me. We rarely ever see black women in this light and it needs to happen MORE. Not to mention, this also gives full on Nubia vibes. I was deadass waiting for someone to call her that.

Now this is just Zack flexing his visual prowess. Mfer made a cup look dope. How is that even possible?

Then he just lays the visual flex on THICK in these credits. What other Superhero movie directors take time during principal photography to shoot beautifully epic sequences like this for credits. Some people think this should've been "trimmed down" for time but I disagree. These shots are breathtaking and the music on top of it takes up 10 notches. 

Foreshadowing to the 3rd act when he wears the goggles? Probably not but it's a cool sentiment. 

Another symbol that I feel means something but I'm unsure. Gonna have to look into it and ask around.

"Parting the Red Sea"

And that concludes the opening of Justice League. I plan on making one post a week in reference to each part of the movie, diving deep as I can into my thoughts, so be sure to be on the lookout. What was your favorite shot? Did you catch something I didn't mention? Let me know and comment below!

Thanks for reading!

*I do not own the rights to any phots above.*
