12 Thanksgiving/Dinner Gone Wrong Horror Films

 What's going on everyone!

We are headed into the Holiday season & being the person I am, I couldn't resist the need to make a list focused around Thanksgiving! Now, some of these films take place on Thanksgiving or they're themed around it; Some are setup by the Thanksgiving holiday; and others are simply dinner get-togethers gone wrong, that have a cozy feel about them that remind me of this time a year. Enough exposition, lets get cookin.

1. Pilgrim (2019)

An estranged family invites some reenactment pilgrims to spice up Thanksgiving and they soon come to find out that these actors are taking things way too far in the worst way imaginable. This is literally the most perfect Thanksgiving horror film on this list to watch and if you don't watch any other one, check this one out. Its campy, its creepy, its hilarious, its gory, & unsettling. A must watch this holiday season!

2. The Invitation (2015)

A guy receives an invite from his ex to attend a dinner party. When he and his new girlfriend arrive, things start out with a little tension because, obviously, they're exes; but as the night continues, the tension transcends to all out terror. This flick is a slow burn but man is it worth it when things come to ahead. Beautifully shot with intimate intense moments to keep you on the edge of your seat.

3. Kristy (2014)

A college girl chooses to stay on campus during her Thanksgiving break to avoid family. Unfortunately for her, another "family" pays her school a visit and they aren't looking to celebrate the holiday in the normal fashion.  For those who've went to college or spent time on a dormitory campus, this will probably be more effective on you because this film does a pretty accurate depiction of how creepy an empty school can be. Throw in some sadistic ppl on the hunt .... yeah, that's unsettling!

4. Would you Rather (2012)

A girl in desperate need of extra funds accepts an invite to what's advertised as a, "Dinner party with games & cash prizes."  When she arrives, The game starts out tame and before you know it, the stakes are ramped up passed life & death. This movie is f***ed up, not gonna lie. So much so, I've only watched it once and felt the need to shower after watching it. If you're a fan of torture films, this one is for you. The ending left my jaw on the floor. 

5. Flesh & Blood (2017)

A teenage girl suffering from agoraphobia, hasn't left her house since her mom passed. Her father works with her to help triumph over the struggle for thanksgiving but things don't get any better for them as the holiday approaches. This one is a slow burn that's plays a little more as a psychological thriller due to the girl's condition. That said, it makes for some cool scares along the way to the finale. 

6. You're Next (2011)

(As seen on my 2010's Slasher post) An estranged family gets together for dinner, only for it to be interrupted by a group of masked killers. You've heard this premise before but the execution in this movie is top notch. This film feels so personal with it's close ups and hand held shots. It's so brutal and  in your face that you feel EVERY punch, every kick, and every kill. Possibly the best on this entire list and well worth the watch if you haven't seen it. 

7. Blood Rage (1987)

At a young age, a kid slaughters a man at a drive-in movie, while his twin brother watches. Both are equally disturbed by this but the killer kid (what a title) is sent away to live the remainder of his life in an insane asylum.  On Thanksgiving day, he breaks out and makes his way back home to pick up his old habit. This is 80s cheese in all it's glory! Some pretty rad kills and great make up effects that add a touch of realism to it. Also, I can't really think of another slasher film that's completely takes place in an apartment complex, so that's dope. A must watch for the holiday season. 

8. Ready or Not (2019)

On a newlywed's wedding night, the grooms family decides to play a game of hide and kill, I mean hide and seek. Can you guess who has to hide? Not much of synopsis I know but man is this joint good. when it released, it was a hit amongst the film world but I'm not sure how it's viewed outside of that. What I do know is it's must watch. It's not really a thanksgiving film but the character dynamic and way everyone communicates feels like thanksgiving with family. They s*** talk each other, then joke, then back to s*** talking. The back and forth banter makes for a good time to watch with friends/family, and the kills will also make your jaw drop. 

9. Boogeyman (2005)

Around thanksgiving, a kid is traumatized by the sight of his father being killed by what he says is "the Boogeyman." After that night, he hasn't seen this entity and has moved on living a paranoid life never fully getting over it. Just as he starts to let go of this fear in adulthood, the boogeyman resurfaces and he has to figure out how to stop it. This is one of those cozy horror films that drips early 00s fluid everywhere. The connection to Thanksgiving is loose but I had to add it for nostalgia purposes. 

10. Escape Room (2019)

During Thanksgiving break, some more college students decide to do an Escape Room for some fun but soon find the consequences are dyer. For some reason, 2018-2019 had a weird obsession with escape rooms so in true Hollywood format, they capitalize off of the boom with a movie. Not the greatest but a fun one you can watch at your friendsgiving get together!

11. The Dinner Party (2020)

An up and coming screenwriter and his wife accept an invite to a prestige dinner party in hopes of making progress in his career. When they arrive, as you can imagine, things go south really fast. Honestly, all the events in this movie could have been avoided 5 minutes in to tit, so they kinda asked for it. This is a slow burn into insanity and torture over dinner & red wine. That being said, make sure to pour up a full glass when you watch this one.

12. Black Friday (2021)

On Thanksgiving night, the employees of a toy store have to work to serve customers for the infamous Black Friday sale. Everything seems unpleasantly normal, until customers become dangerously rabid and inhuman. A nice B horror comedy that should be watched, on actual Black Friday. It's the perfect film to cap the night off, transitioning you into Christmas. Bruce Campbell leading the pack definitely adds something special.

And like that, we're done! I know, not as lengthy as my usual list but these are just the ones that I personally like the most (I know, there are more out there). At least one of these is sure to make your holiday that much better if you're a horror fan. Oh yeah, if you're wondering what movie the 1st GIF is from, it's called, "Thankskilling." I didn't mention it because it's SO BAD, you'd get mad at me for listing it but it's so bad, it's hilarious. Watch at your own risk lol & as always, 

Thanks for reading!
