The Batman Trailer 3: "Bat and Cat" - Favorite Shots + Breakdown

 What's going on ya'll... 

A New trailer just dropped for the Batman & ... OMG this looks like the Batman movie I've dreamt about. The cinematography continues to look absolutely stunning! This is on Zack Snyder's level of crafting gorgeous images that look like they're pulled right out of a graphic novel! You already know, I have to break this down!

This Batmobile is super hard to me. I love that it's an actual car that's modified. Really adds to the amateur level "do it myself," aesthetic this version of Batman has.

Wheeeww that whip is something serious. I adore the small details that make it appear animal like. To me, the pointed sides of the car look like bat ears and the lights look like eyes. This choice of using the the yellowish orange light also makes the colors pop.

One thing that I noticed about this trailer is the way the shallow depth of field is used. It really creates a dream like world that adds to the mysterious vibe of Gotham & the story being told. This is the Riddler we're talking about, so it's very appropriate. 

I love that Batman just looks like a dark figure through the glass as Oswald tries to gun him down and he's met with nothing but a cold stare. Talk about instilling fear in someone. 

The brute strength of this car is what also amazes me. I wonder how long this car chase scene is and how much damage follows. Batman is unhinged more than ever in this film and I'm here for it. 

LOVE this 'Wayne' cufflink on the collar. The gold, the font, the detail all speaks to wealth and for Gotham, that's not particularly a good thing. Also, something about the way it's framed here, lets me know this symbol will be negatively spun, kinda like the Bat brands in Batman v Superman.

I've already seen some people not happy about this but I feel like it's Matt not only poking fun at people on twitter and message boards who say, "Batman could do so much more to help people!" I also think it's his way of poking holes into that argument to dead it. So tired of hearing that s*** from people. Money does NOT fix everything. 

A shot straight out of a graphic novel panel. Reeves is snapping (as usual) with his shot choices. To me, every solo Batman movie is missing frequent shots like these. Film is already a visual medium but I think when you're adapting a comic book character, it's important to translate the visual from the books to screen, personally.

Spectacular shot and camera work! I was not expecting the sequence to switch positions. This is masterful work on a number of levels. For one, letting the shot continue as the car gets thrown  lets us, the audience, soak in what's going on. Two, leaving the tail of the Batmobile in the frame is a small choice that enhances the moment. Reeves could've easily just shown the car flipping on it's own but nah, we need to see who did it. So good!

We've seen this shot before but I still love how sinister he looks peeling back that tape. 

Every shot of Pattinson in the suit is a work of art. Every single thing is right when he's seen on screen. The shallow depth definitely adds to this mystery surrounding the Dark Knight. Pattinson is owning this s***.

I love the way these riddles and clues are depicted. There's quite a bit going on in the room outside of the message written on the floor. The lines looks to be a map of Gotham but also remind me of webbing. Riddler has been preaching about 'lies' in all the trailers, so I see it as personifying the term, "A web of lies."

Gotham's finest. I always love seeing Batman and Gordon together, regardless of how much time is spent. The crumbs in Zack Snyder's JL made me smile, so I'm excited to see their chemistry in this new film. 

More Riddler pandering lol I feel like Batman is gonna beat this dude to the edge of his life when he catches him. Love how this Riddler is testing the psychy of Batman on a personal level. The victims he chooses all seem to be integral pieces of how the Wayne family gained their wealth. 

"Pattinson is too small to play Batman," He looks pretty swole here. Yes he's not Batfleck big but he's at least the size (I think bigger) of Bale here. I'm glad they made sure to put this shot in a teaser to detract from naysayers. 

Bat suit appreciation!

From what I've seen thus far, I adore their dynamic. They seem like equals more than I've seen in any other live action form. There's no doubt in my mind that Ms. Kyle will be as show stopping as Batsy. I dig how they linked these 2 scenes to show the parallel from when they first meet, to the growth of their relationship as the movie continues. 

F***, what a gorgeous shot. Easily one of the best Batman live action stills I've ever seen. Hell of a way to block the scene naturally. Storyboards are your best friend as a director and this is 100% a product of that. 

I really love that they chose a foreign city to represent Gotham. As an American viewer, the city setting is unfamiliar territory so my reality is a bit suspended. The infrastructure takes on a character of it's own because of this, as Gotham should. Also an excellent shot. 

Another clue of what's to come. That question mark symbol is creepy. It feels like an ancient mark used for spells or summoning something. In a sense, Riddler is summoning Batman so I guess it's fitting to the situation.  Regardless, it's such a great design. 

That's a batman. The symbol and silhouette, with Gotham as the back drop is so graphic novel. 

I mean WOW. C'mon man. What a shot. Besides it being a cool frame, we rarely have seen Batman come to a crime scene where he's visible to the public. I can only imagine how people would react seeing a guy like this show up. I feel like this is gonna be a rookie mistake that he learns from. 

It's in the eyes. Rob has the look of the bat down pat (cue the cymbals).

What a great shot. It doesn't look like much went into this but I'm sure it did. If I had to guess, this was a regular elevator but they switched the lights (which is not a simple thing to do) to match that dirty orange look of the highway lighting and overall warmth. Place Rob smack dap in the center for maximum symmetry and there you. 

Gotham's finest doing detective work. I love the mystery of it all & I'm super SUPER interested to see what the Riddler's beef is with the Wayne family. He has this guy on a scavenger hunt, while killing those who are connected to him, on the way to answers. 

Another shot of this Wayne cufflink. This second shot is what made me think there's gonna be a negative spin that I mentioned earlier. 

Another visual art piece of Batman. The lighting of this film is utterly incredible. The mix of orange within the darkness is both eerie and warming. Which speaks to the duality of Batman. We know he is a hero but there's another part that always makes us question his sanity. 

More shots we've seen, minus the look up, but I had to include them because this is just some cool s*** that makes your mind wander. What is going on that makes Batman feel the need to even go to a police station; and also escape so abruptly like this? What is making the cops shoot at him as he travels upwards?

Spectacular shot of Catwoman with Gotham as her backdrop. Easily one of the best shot of Selina ever captured. I love this color grading as well. 

Classic comic panel come to life. Bruce answering the warning, as he sits in his penthouse (I think) will never not be cool to see. The Way the vfx blend in with the practical filmmaking is phenomenal. 

More Batman admiration. Every frame with him in it, is eye candy as Batman stan. For the first time ever in any bat solo film, we're gonna get a massive amount of iconography. All 3 of these trailers have filled each frame with art, so I can only imagine how the film will be. 

I don't really know if this is the Riddler or some of his henchmen dressed like him. Everyone in this location seems to be wearing the same outfit, which would be so appropriate for him as a villain. Either way, great "bad guy looming," shot that shows that he isn't playing around. 

So here we are at the end of the year with a brand new trailer. This has been my most anticipated DC film, besides Zack's JL, since it was announced. March cannot come fast enough! What were your favorite shots and did you interpret anything differently? Leave a comment below and thanks for reading!

